all, left or right, have a tendency toward being blind to facts that
disagree with our opinions, the best way to avoid this is to obtain
our information from a variety of competing sources. Those living in
a pure partisan bubble are doomed to succumb to a distorted view of
reality derived from one-sided sources of information. We all do this
to a degree but the right wing has raised this to an art form. As
proof, look at how almost all right wing pundits were absolutely
certain of a Romney landslide. The math clearly indicated an Obama
win yet these people with few exceptions said the polls were wrong
because they were done by liberals and didn't match up with their
“facts”. Turns out, the average of the polls were almost exactly
correct, clearly those right wing “facts” were not in line with
you noticed how someone on the right makes up an assertion against
Obama and then many others take up that idea and use each other as
“sources” in a kind of circular self-reinforcing storm? The
original assertion may be completely untrue yet many come to believe
it; A few examples: Obama wasn't born in Kenya, Obama isn't a
socialist, Obama has never taken anyone's guns, Obama isn't a Muslim,
the Bureau of Labor Statistics didn't make up the job numbers last
month, rape does result in many pregnancies, FEMA is not building
concentration camps to house right wingers after they take away their
guns, evolution is real, instituting moderate re-regulation on Wall
Street is not communism, there were no death panels and climate
change is not a hoax.
country's strength is the competing marketplace of ideas, and if we
can't even agree on basic facts, that marketplace ceases to function;
that is what we have witnessed for the last four years. In the
election, reality has just smacked the Republicans upside the head
and because they swim in a soup of self created “facts”, they
were the only ones who didn't see it coming. We watched them on
election night on Fox News as they stumbled around completely
shell-shocked. Romney was so certain, he hadn't even prepared a
concession speech! Obama had a concession speech because he knew the
math said he had about a 10% chance of losing. So which of those two
is grounded in reality? Maybe this election will serve as a wake up
call for Republicans to rejoin the real world of real facts and stop
getting their “facts” only from biased sources like Fox News,
talk radio and right wing blogs. America would be much better off if
we can have an honest debate in a free marketplace of ideas using
facts arising from reality.
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